Sunday, December 28, 2014

Numerology, because bored

I am so bored today, so here's some crazy numerology that shows that we/I draw our/my energy from the second chakra, from the source of sexual or life energy, and also how my energy level depends a lot on interaction with someone else, giving me with my entertainer and teacher soul purpose - two being infinitely more powerful than one, and then that if you give it a playful touch, playfulness matching the third chakra, the solarplexus, associated with the color yellow, you draw your energy from there - and that's pretty much me, too, being like Pinkie Pie and loving puns. No play, no energy.

So here it goes:

E N  E R  G Y
5 14 5 18 7 25
5+14+5+18+7+25 = 74 | 7+4 = 11 | 1+1 = 2
5+1+4+5+1+8+7+2+5 = 38 | 3+8 = 11 | 1+1 = 2

N  R  G
14 18 7
14+18+7 = 39 | 3+9 = 12 | 1+2 = 3
1+4+1+8+7 = 21 | 2+1 = 3

Not sure whether this means I should eat more oranges, or whether if life gives me lemons, I should play with them.

Now you know why my history teacher once called me genius and madness in one.


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