I notice it more and more, like a new school, lacking an understanding of what constitutes skillful and proper advertising or just customer relations.
Zenimax gave another example of this. They sent me a promotional e-mail that at first made me believe someone had hacked my (inactive corpse of an) account and then continued with a cold businesslike vibe that I eventually identified as a standard auto-generated text slightly modified, just the bare minimum, which signals me: "We're so damn busy/cheap that we don't have time to actually write you something appealing. Just give us money already, OK?"
Here's the e-mail. Pay attention to the structure, wording and vibe it conveys:
Greetings [name removed],
You've successfully redeemed a code for The Elder Scrolls^® Online: Tamriel
Unlimited™. We're applying it to your account now! Your receipt and further
details can be found below.
Redemption Receipt
Welcome Back Weekend Account Activation
Code : [code removed]
We have applied a redemption code toward your account for The Elder Scrolls
Online: Tamriel Unlimited. Your account has been reactivated for the duration of
our Welcome Back Weekend promotion. You’ll have access to play ESOTU from 15:00
GMT (10:00 EST) on April 16th until 15:00 GMT (10:00am EST) on April 20th*.
For more details about the Welcome Back Weekend, please visit our support page:
help.elderscrollsonline.com/app/home <https://help.elderscrollsonline.com/app/home>
If you don’t know your account password, request a reminder here:
<https://help.elderscrollsonline.com/app/password>.If you have any other
questions, please feel free to contact us
<https://help.elderscrollsonline.com/app/home> for assistance and we’ll be happy
to help.
/*Eligible accounts require no membership or purchase to participate. This email
is a notification that your account has been reactivated./
Additional Information
If you have purchased an ESO Plus membership, you may update or cancel your
membership at any time by going to the Manage Membership
page on our account site. No refunds or credits for partial months are granted.
You hereby consent that performance of digital content will begin immediately
and you thereby lose your right to withdraw.
Please print this email and keep it for your records.
Warm Regards,
/The Elder Scrolls^® Online Team/
To help ensure that you receive emails from us, please add
*noreply@mail.elderscrollsonline.com* to your address book.
This is a transactional email and is sent from an automated address - please do
not reply to this message.
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Zenimax Europe Limited, Haymarket House, 28-29 Haymarket, London, SW1Y 4SP.
Registered in England and Wales number: 06333300 and registered address: 1st
floor, West Wing, Davidson House, Forbury Square, Reading, Berkshire, United
Kingdom RG1 3EU. VAT number: 922 0616 57. Do not use these addresses for
withdrawal notices and/or other queries, please contact Customer Services via
the web link help.elderscrollsonline.com/app/home
<http://help.elderscrollsonline.com/app/home> or Worldwide +800.6044.6044 or
+1.678.460.4893, International rates may apply, please contact your carrier for
Does this motivate you to give it another try? Definitely not me. This e-mail reads like made by machines for machines, not like they care about whether I become a customer or not.
"Warm Regards", eh? Yeah, "warm" is the one thing I've been missing here. You explicitly write it because it's not true.
"Please print this email and keep it for your records." - Are you frickin kidding me? The incredible self-importance (and irony - this coming from a game company, which is ONLINE entertainment!) of asking me, in the year 2015, to print out their promotional e-mail and put it in a folder. They're really not signaling that they should be in the computer games business.
Zenimax, try to get out more. You are lacking social skills.
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